All Digital Dental X-Rays
Dental radiographs (x-rays) are used to further examine the teeth and look for signs of decay and bone loss that may not be apparent clinically. Dental x-rays are VERY safe, especially DIGITAL x-rays, because they typically expose a patient to approximately 80% less radiation than traditional dental x-rays. Dental x-rays are very important aids in the diagnosis of dental disease. Without radiographs, diagnosis of hidden problems becomes extremely difficult. In addition to decay and bone loss, radiographs may also reveal the presence of: Dental Abscesses or Cysts Bone Loss Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Tumors Developmental Abnormalities Poor Root or Tooth Positions Problems Located within the Tooth or Underneath the Gumline How often do I need X-Rays? The need for dental x-rays is always based on an evaluation of each individual’s needs. Dr. Last determines which x-rays are necessary based on each patient’s medical and dental history, dental examination, age considerations, signs and/or symptoms of disease, and risk for dental disease. Typically, a full mouth set of x-rays is recommended for most new patients. A full set consists of 18 x-rays, which show all surfaces of each tooth, including the roots. A full set is usually recommended every 3-5 years depending on risk factors. Bitewing x-rays are films that only show the crowns of the top and bottom teeth when they are biting together. Bitewings usually are taken every year during cleaning and periodic exam appointments.