Oral Cancer Screening
During your first visit to our office for a comprehensive exam you will be given a complete oral cancer screening. During this procedure, Dr. Last will examine the lymph nodes in your neck and perform a thorough visual exam of the tissues in your mouth, including your cheeks, tongue, gums, roof of the mouth, tissue under the tongue and throat. Dr. Last also uses the Trimera Identifi 3000 to examine any areas of concern. This state-of-the-art tool utilizes different wavelengths of light to illuminate the oral tissues and help identify potential cancers. It is one of the most advanced devices available to help identify oral cancers. If a lesion is suspected of being cancerous, a biopsy is always required to further identify and determine appropriate treatment. It is also important to recognize that while every effort is made to discover oral cancers at an early stage, some oral cancers do not always present as easily identifiable lesions in the mouth. Therefore, some cancers may not be detected during a routine oral cancer screening. http://www.trimira.net/identafi