Veneers are very thin pieces of porcelain, which are bonded to the enamel on the front surfaces of the front teeth. Veneers are typically utilized to enhance esthetics by changing the shape or coloration of teeth. There are many types of veneer restorations on the market, and selection should be done on a case-by-case basis to obtain the best result. Dr. Last has completed extensive study in the field of cosmetic dentistry and is excited to provide you with consultation on smile design. It is important to understand that, in most cases, whenever a tooth has been veneered, even in cases where very little preparation is required, the tooth will ALWAYS need to be veneered. Many people mistakenly believe that veneers can be taken off and the tooth will go back to its original state. Veneers do not last forever and will have to be replaced at some point in a patient’s lifetime. It is important not to act hastily in the decision to have veneers placed, because once they have been placed, they always must be maintained.